How to Choose First Shoes for a Baby – 7 Tips


Your baby’s first steps are amazing. They begin the transition from infant to toddler. In excitement, it’s typical to want to run out the door and start shopping for baby shoes. However, your infant doesn’t require their first shoes yet.

Here are our top seven suggestions for getting your infant their first walking shoes.

Wait until your child walks before purchasing their first pair of shoes

Infant shoes aren’t necessary immediately after the baby takes their first steps, as early walking babies benefit from bare feet. Pre-walkers are ideal for young feet, providing additional protection from cold or rough surfaces. Allow your infant to develop balance and confidence, and baby-proof everything, as standing exposes them to new dangers.

Watch for signals your baby is ready to go on

Walking abilities develop at different ages for each infant. Most toddlers start walking between 7 and 18 months. After that, they may need time to gain confidence to walk alone. How long after their first baby steps should you wait?

There is no set timing or response to this inquiry. It depends on your kid. It’s preferable to wait until your toddler can walk mostly alone. Their feet will require initial walking shoes for support at this stage. They’ll be ready to move on from pre-walker shoes and get their first baby walking shoes.

Choosing the right fit

When choosing a walking shoe for your baby, consider fit, breadth, and length. A tight fit may not be noticeable due to underdeveloped nerve endings, and your child may struggle to communicate. Measure your baby’s feet in the afternoon as they enlarge over the day. New shoes should be 12-16mm longer than the longest toe.

Selecting the proper shoe type and support

Toddlers should wear lightweight, supportive, and flexible shoes with non-slip soles for optimal ground grip. Avoid high-ankle shoes for injury prevention and muscle development. Choose wide front, small heel designs online.

Choosing the right materials

Choose high-quality, breathable shoes with soft, leather uppers for optimal first walking shoes, as low-cost materials may cause athlete’s foot and sweat buildup.

Velcro, straps or laces?

Choose a fastener that supports your baby’s shoe position, is easy to tighten and adjust, and makes shoe-putting and taking off easy. Velcro straps are simple but may not be ideal for toddlers who kick or wiggle. Lace and buckle straps are slower but simpler. Long laces with double knots prevent slips and trips.

Knowing when to scale up

Baby foot growth is rapid, requiring measurements every 6-8 weeks. Experts recommend two size increases until four, with shoe fit checks for uneven development.

Simple checks to perform:

The simplest way is always to check your toddler’s shoe fit, whether putting them on or taking them off. Once the shoes are on, push down on the front of the shoe while your kid stands to ensure their big toe is about half an inch from the tip.

Above all, have fun

After knowing what to look for, purchasing your baby’s first walking shoes from stores like Sole Sox is joyful and represents a new step in their development.

Have fun choosing the color, design, and finish of high-quality baby shoes for boys and girls at specialty boutiques. Consider the season and specific events while choosing a shoe.

Relax, and enjoy this unique time with your energetic child!